Sunday, August 7, 2011

The amusement park

Well today was SUPPOSED to be a good day...
It didn't even get off to a good start.
My husband left last night to help a friend, didn't come back like he was SUPPOSED to; when I called at 6:30 to find out where he WAS he didn't answer the phone; when he called me back and I told him I wanted him to come over like he said he would do, he hung up on me (turns out we got disconnected, but that's what I thought happened). When I called when I woke up for the day (a little after nine because it's Saturday), he answered and it took him AN HOUR to get to my house (it should be OUR house, but he has chosen to call somewhere ELSE "home")!
Well we were alright for a while, spent a little family time then headed out for a day at the amusement park, the ONLY hiccup was that he'd have to leave for two hours for a job interview. Ok everything went fine (except the heat), till he left...
Guess what happened...

Last I knew two hours after he left he was touring the facility he was interviewing at, but I never heard from him again.

As I am writing this post my husband has neither replied to any texts wondering how the interview went, if he's ok, or where he ended up going; has not answered my phone calls; called me to let me know he's ok... got a new job... is a BIG jerk and FORGOT ABOUT US!!!

If you can't tell I'm not just a little mad, I'm pretty well COMPLETELY M A D!
He does this crap ALL the time and expects me to forgive him, which I do, and sooner than he deserves, and without a decent apology.
I'd bet money that he left the interview, went back to "his" place (his buddies place), and went to sleep. Simple as that. Forgot about us (or was tired and just needed a rest), and left me high and dry.

This right after him crapping out on our daughters birthday recently... That one I'll post soon.
Well good night readers, or lack thereof... I'm still hoping to have some S O O N

Friday, August 5, 2011


So I've been thinking about what I wanted to say.
I haven't had much happen, except that my husband came over and stayed the night on Wednesday. He has been comeing and staying with us about once a week for a few months now; it really makes a difference in our relationship and our daughter's as well.
I don't want to go much into that right now because I'm at work, but I did want to share a picture I got in an e-mail frog at night_shutterstock_38819872
Don't you think he's cute?! Well I do anyway.
The picture cam in an e-mail from Wonderopolis ( I get a daily e-mail with a "wonder of the day" that I love and is a GREAT educational tool for families with children, or for teachers.

Well sooner or later I'm sure someone will be reading my blog and I'd love for you to reply and tell me what you think! Do you like the link?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Phone calls

I think men underestimate the importance of phone calls.
My husband called me on his break from work this after noon and it meant a lot to me.
Spouses, call and say hi, even if that's the only reason you call.
I think I call toomuch, but I don't think I've ever complained about my husband calling ME too much.
i.e. pick up the phone and call
Moral of the story - If you want things to get better communicate!


Hi there! Welcome to my blog. I'm really excite to get going and start sharing my story with the web.
I hope you feel free to come in, be yourselves, and feel at home here.
I know being single AND married sucks, I've done it a long time, but I want to build a community where we understand how that feels and can help each other through the BAD days.

Today is a good day for me, but that's because I'm so excite to get started!

Last night wasn't as good... I'll tell ou about it later this afternoon.